Located in one of Australia’s harshest and most remote deserts, the mine site has an astronomical annual gold production of 459,000 attributable ounces and can process 2.5 million tonnes of ore a year. The treatment plant consists of a crushing and grinding facility and a carbon-in- pulp (CIP) circuit.
IMR provides the Granites with a range of services including mill relining and specialised tooling for the site. In addition, IMR have delivered many recommendations with a view to improving operability and minimising on site risk – all of which have been implemented by our partner.
There is a high degree of technical capability required on this site with schedulers managing multiple contractors and concurrent processes. IMR retains the experience and flexibility to deliver on time within any scope of works.
Unit 3/6-7 Plath Cl, Portsmith QLD 4870
Postal: PO Box 836, Bungalow QLD 4870
Phone: +617 4053 3004
Fax: +617 3054 7240
Email: [email protected]