I declare that my answers to the above questions are true and correct and that I have provided all information material to my application for employment. I agree that my application and the above statements are the basis on which my application for employment is assessed and if found false would be sufficient to cause my rejection as an applicant, my dismissal if hired or termination of my contract. I warrant that I am not subject to any physical, mental or legal impediment that would prevent me safely carrying out the duties of the job that I am applying for.
I agree to have a pre-employment medical examination and further medical examination during my employment or contract if requested to do so by the company.
International Mill Relines is committed to providing and maintaining a safe, healthy, and secure environment for all our workers and anyone affected by our operation and activities.
The purpose of this policy is to confirm our commitment to managing drugs and alcohol in the workplace to eliminate the inherent risks associated with drug use, alcohol abuse, and abuse or misuse of other substances.
The policy applies to all employees, contractors and representatives of the company, whilst at their workplace and visitors to company premises or workplaces.
International Mill Relines encourages employees to maintain good health and wellbeing through a suitable lifestyle balance.
At all times when working or travelling, I acknowledge that I am representing IMR.
Whilst I am employed by the International Mill Relines Pty. Ltd. I will:
I declare that I have read and understood the Drug and Alcohol Policy and the Manning Code of Conduct Policy that has been supplied to me by International Mill Relines Pty Ltd. in this application pack.
Please download, fill and upload the following documents to complete your application pack.
Payment of wages are made to the below nominated financial institute, unless prior written notification to change payroll details is provided to International Mill Relines Pty Ltd. Payment of wages are paid on a weekly basis each Wednesday, for the prior working week Monday – Sunday. Any changes for payment dates (e.g.: Public Holidays) will be notified to the affected employees with the new date of payment for the affected week. Payment slips will be electronically sent to the nominated email address below, unless prior written notification to change receiving email is provided to International Mill Relines Pty Ltd. International Mill Relines Pty. Ltd. reports payroll to the ATO through Single Touch Payroll (STP), payment summaries will NOT be provided to employees. Instead, you will get an end-of-year income statement in ATO online services through myGov.
Claims for payment (e.g.: meal receipts, passport photo receipts etc.) will only be processed with original, correctly authorised documentation. Claims receipts should be received no later than the Tuesday prior to payment allocated day of Wednesday. Any claims received after Tuesday will be processed in the following pay week. An email of claims approval will be sent once processed.
Payroll information will not be provided to third parties (i.e.: bankers, mortgage lenders etc.) unless prior written approval has been provided by the employee to release such information. Official requests from Government Departments (e.g. Child Support Agency, Centrelink etc.) will be actioned directly with the relevant department.